Heathens Highway

Sometimes I make porn and stuff. Sometimes I just ramble.

Tag Archives for: Jihad

Thai Muslim Whore

28 May 2006 by dwb

This one takes the cake. I’m hanging out on Soi Muslim (where all the Arabs hang out) this morning around 7:30am after a scene, and looking for a thick girl with some fat tits to nail before I go to bed. That’s when I found this girl. Thick as a milk shake with a pretty face and a fat ass.

Rare for an Asian girl, but not rare for this area of town as the Arabs love girls with meat on their bones.

I make my move totally unprepared for what is about to happen.

Me: Hey, where you go?

Her: I look man.

Me: Look at me please… I’m a man, looking for lady.

Her: Where you from?

Me: America.

Her: Infidel. I don’t boom boom Infidels.

Me: Are you shitting me? You’re Thai.

Her: I am Muslim woman now. You are Infidel. Bye.

At this moment I was completely blown away over what had just happened to me. I was determined at this point to bang this girl, what ever the cost.

Me: Wait wait, wait… I want speak to you about Islam.

Her: OK, what you speak?

Me: How much for you to fuck an Infidel?

Her: Can not.

Me: How much Arab man pay to you for short time?

Her: 400 baht.

Me: How about I pay you 2000 baht and I don’t put a Jihad on you.

Her: Huh?

Me: 2000 baht and no holy war.

Her: Mai kow jai. (I don’t understand)

Me: 2000 baht, you boom boom with Infidel. I can tip you with a goat.

Her: Mai kow jai. (I don’t understand)

Me: 2000 baht.

Her: OK, where you stay?

Me: Somewhere that does not allow Arabs.

Her: OK, we go.

And we were off. I won the battle… but lost the war. This bitch would not blow me or jerk me off. She wanted to lay on the bed while I banged her quickly to cum.

Her: Why you move like snake?

Me: Shut up, I’m trying to cum!

And I did, but I had to think about horrible, horrible things in order to get off. I came hard, paid her 2000 baht, and put a Jihad on her anyway.

This whore deserves to fuck Arabs.

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