Heathens Highway

Sometimes I make porn and stuff. Sometimes I just ramble.

Tag Archives for: Whores Disease

Whores Disease

04 April 2006 by dwb

Many men are under the impression that you can turn a ho into a housewife. Well, I’m here to break it to you that you can’t. Don’t even try.

Don’t make them your girlfriend, don’t buy them gifts, don’t tell them that you love them and most of all DON’T fall in love with them!

A woman makes a choice in life to sell her pussy or to not sell her pussy. To sell her pussy with a goal, such as to buy a new car, is much more noble that just being a whore with no goal or direction. I have respect for girls who sell pussy and have a goal. Once they achieve this goal, they no longer sell their pussy. It is a means to an end.

But we all know these types can be counted on one hand. And I’m talking about all the whores in the world. Strippers are the same way. How many of them really put themselves through college? I know of one, and I’ve known 100s of strippers.

Once that woman makes the choice to cash in on the gold that sits between her legs, and does so without a goal or a plan, you can write her off. There is usually no turning back. There is no un-doing the whore. Once you are a whore, you are infected with whores disease and you are trapped in the cycle of making large sums of money and spending it just as quickly as you make it.

See a new pair of shoes… that’s only 1 trick and you can buy them. To pay your rent you only need to pull 6 tricks. You need a quick $200, call Chris your regular customer who is goo-goo over you, he’ll see you tonight.

That is how a whores mind is programmed. Once a woman thinks like this… there is no return. This is reality regardless if you want to believe it or not.

Last night I was talking to a whore I know here in Thailand. A very pretty whore worthy of being a girlfriend to some sucker from another country. She is now pregnant but not showing, and claims the boyfriend knocked her up. Not a client.

But does a whore really know who knocked her up?

I know 2 guys who dumped loads into her the same time she got knocked up, not including me.  One of the times is on video. I told her that I wanted to see her soon and she tells me it has to be this month because she is leaving Thailand to marry her boyfriend in Switzerland and have his baby. Little does he know, it could be a heathen baby, but that is now the boyfriends problem. He trusted a whore with no goals.

This is typical whore behavior. No respect for anyone, including themselves. This is what whores do. They whore.

I have countless stories like this. Whore from America, Canada, Germany, Italy, Thailand, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Spain and even a few whores from Russia. Each as scandalous as the next. Whores are whores around the globe regardless of color, education or nationality.

So if your one of those guys thinking you can change your whore by taking her out of the game and give her a better life. Wake up and smell my cum… it’s still fresh in her pussy.

You can not change a ho into a housewife. Not today, not tomorrow, not in your lifetime.

Whores do one thing and one thing only… sell pussy! In order to sell pussy you must lie for a living and keep your game face on around the men who pay you and the men you want to attract. Read that part twice and don’t ever forget it. A good whore never removes her game face, even when she is around you.

This may sounds like an anti-whore rant but it is not. I love whores. God and Buddha bless them all. Each and every one of them. Just don’t fall for their shit.

A working girl or not, we are all paying for pussy in one way or another. You take your date out and try to impress her for what? To get in her pants. You buy bitches drinks at the clubs for what? To get them drunk so you can have a better chance to fuck them. Add all that shit up and you may as well get a professional to do the job. At least then you know for a fact you are getting laid when you use a whore. That is her job. She has but one service.

And no matter what you do, always remember… You are not paying for sex. You are paying to say goodbye.

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