Heathens Highway

Sometimes I make porn and stuff. Sometimes I just ramble.

Tag Archives for: Team America

Worse than 9-11

22 August 2006 by dwb

Like the rest of the world, I have been watching CNN and all they are talking about (when they are not discussing the pedo John Marc Karr from Thailand) is how this latest foiled terror plot would have been worse than 9-11.

Then I laugh and head for the DVD shelf and pull out Team America.

Team America fans may recall the following quotes:



Spottswoode: From what I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.N.C.E has gathered, it would be 9/11 times 100.

Gary Johnston: 9/11 times a hundred? Jesus, that’s…

Spottswoode: Yes, 91,100.

Chris: Basically, all the worst parts of the bible.

And my favorite:

Kim Jong Il: It will be 911 times 2356.

Chris: My God, that’s… I don’t even know what that is!

Kim Jong Il: Nobody does!

Every time I hear them talking about the attack would have been worse than 9-11, I can’t help but laugh and watch Team America one more time.

Fuck ya!

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Team America – Backstage

08 March 2006 by dwb

Team America… Fuck ya!

I have a friend who just happens to know the cats who made the puppets for Team America. So while we were out for lunch, we stopped by and low and behold, there hung the Team America puppets. Very cool.

Without hesitation we went for the females and molested them, taking these pics along the way. This is all I’ll show of the molestation unless there is interest to see naked puppet bodies. But then I’d wonder about what kind of a sick fuck would want to watch us molest puppets. That could make things funny between us so lets just leave it here.

We played with these things for hours, recreating scenes from the movie and laughing until we cried, pissed, and then cried some more.

Enjoy the pics.

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