Heathens Highway

Sometimes I make porn and stuff. Sometimes I just ramble.

Hollywood crack motel

02 March 2006 by dwb

11:12am – Someone starts banging at my door at the crack hotel I’m staying in. Since I did not go to sleep until 7am, there had better be news of death or world destruction when I open it.

I was close, it was the Indian that was put on this earth to make my life in LA a living hell.

This twinkle toed cock sucker tells me that my “time is up” and that I needed to “take a break” and come back tomorrow. When he first told me this was going to happen 6 days ago I thought he was joking just to get a rise out of me. It turns out he was a serious as a case of dick cancer.

So I’m standing butt ass naked in the doorway of this shitty place trying to explain to this odd looking person that it is a motel and that motels make money by filling them to capacity as often as they can. Since I was literally the only person staying in the hotel for the past few days, I then went into detail explaining to him how poorly they conducted business.

It all fell of deaf ears because second I was done speaking, he told me to give him the key and he would see me tomorrow.

I laughed and tried to explain to him that once I leave and check into another place, I will not be returning. His reply was “very well, I will see you tomorrow then” and then walked of with the key.

After watching him wobble away, I packed up, left, and moved to another crack hotel down the street which is also operated by Indians. Just all part of the cosmic joke I guess. If they start with me, I will shit all over the room and move to the Extended Stay 20 minutes away.

Right about now you are wondering, “why in the fuck is he staying in crack motels?”

The answer is simple. I can sleep anywhere, and these crack motels just happen to be a one minute drive from our office. To stay in a nicer place, I would have to drive 20 minutes, which is not a big deal in the afternoon, but after you’ve been working all day and night, the last thing I want to do is drive any distance at 5am as I’m falling asleep. If I only use the room to shit, shower, shave, and sleep, it serves it purpose. But the Indians have to go.

The good news is, I believe a Motel 8 is being built just around the corner. I’m looking forward to staying there.

Hell is… trying to get a full eight hours sleep in an Indian owned crack motel.

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